Create a loan or mortgage To add one you need to create a recurring expense from the Finance section or import a schedule payment file. Change or stop a loan To change the monthly loan payment, find and modify the last payment. This change will be effect for all future payments, but does not apply retrospectively. Payments that have been already generated must be manually modified one by one if you need to change them. To stop a loan, find and modify the last payment, click on the actions on the right, Stop. This action is available only on the Lue lisää
Loans and mortgages
Loans and Mortgages Interests
Loans & Mortgages
In this section you will find the schedule payments for your loans and mortgages. To add a loan you will have to create a recurrent expense first. AFTER you’ve created the expense Rentila will generate all the entries. These will have the following details – Monthly amount – Interest – Insurance – Reimbursed capital – Residual capital to be repaid