This page allows you to manage your Rentila account. Here you can choose your payment options or cancel your subscription. You can also download Rentila subscription receipts. You can pay your Rentila subscription online with PayPal or Hipay. Obviously you can also use your credit card if you wish to do so! We don’t offer other means of payment at the moment. You can modify your subscription at any time, but please do let us know. If you have any issues with your account, please contact us. IMPORTANT! If your subscription expires (for instance it did not renew automatically because your card expired), Lue lisää
My account
Creating and editing a Landlord
You can create or edit a Landlord (a person, a company or a joint ownership) from the My Account > Multi-owners section. To add a landlord, click the button, fill in the required fields, and click Save. The Owner may be one or more individuals or a company with partners. You can fill in the equity for each partner. In case of joint ownership and if you want to show both names on the documents produced in Rentila, please enter ALL names in the Names field, ONE AFTER ANOTHER (e.g. John Doe and Jane Doe). You can also add a logo Lue lisää
This section is dedicated for those who need to add and designate different owners for each of the properties (for instance if you manage properties on behalf of others or a company) or have a joint ownership. Adding landlords After you have created landlords in this section, their names and addresses will appear in the document created in Rentila. On this page you can: Add an owner Edit an owner Delete an owner To add a landlord click on . You will be offer 3 options: Select the type you need. If you select Joint Ownership, you will be asked Lue lisää