Creating and editing a tenancy

Create a tenancy

To create a tenancy go to the dedicated section with the same name, click the New tenancy button, fill in the required fields, and then click Save.

The site displays by default the basic fields such as tenancy type, duration, rent amounts, deposit, tenants … You can click on the Tenancy details tab to view in the rest of contract details.

To modify or add more information about the tenancy, use the Edit action button.

Please note that you have a number of tabs available to enter data and specify your settings for each tenancy.

For each tenancy, Payments, Notices and Invoices are created automatically in the Finance section on the 1st of each month, unless specified otherwise. You can decide to generate them before or after this date by changing the default tenancy settings.

You can set up the creation of the payment as D+X or D-X where X is the number of days. So, if you choose D-5, the payments and the payment notice will be generated 5 days before the due date. E.g. for a tenancy from the 1st to the 30th of April, the payment will be generated on the 26th of March.

For each tenancy, you can add multiple Tenants.

If the tenancy has a start date in the past, the system will automatically generate the payment history for the past period.


To modify a tenancy, go to the Tenancies section, click on the Modify action on the right, modify the data, click on Save. These changes would be taken into effect ONLY for future payments. The payments already generated in the Finance section must be modified manually, one by one.